How Do I Use My Boning Knife?

For anyone that works with meat in the kitchen, a good set of butcher knives is essential. However, there are different types and each one is suited to different tasks. If you’re looking to make working with meat as easy as possible, it’s important to choose the right knife for the job.

That’s why, when it comes to deboning meat, you’ll need a boning knife. But did you know that this versatile knife can also be used for things aside from removing meat from the bone?

If you’re keen to learn how to properly use a boning knife, you’re in the right place. This is our ultimate guide to this essential kitchen tool.


What Is a Boning Knife and What Is It Used For?

When it comes to identifying kitchen knives, a boning knife is one of the most recognisable. That’s because of its narrow blade and the fact that it features a finger guard. Boning knives have a flexible blade but there are some out there that are a little more rigid. Which you choose will largely come down to how you’ll use the knife and your personal preference.

Normally, a quality boning knife blade will measure between five and seven inches and has a straight edge with a stainless steel, curved blade. The thin blades curve slightly towards the tip and provided they are used correctly, that little finger guard makes it one of the safest knives to use.

Boning Knife Uses

You’d think, given its name, that the boning knife was good for only one thing. This is a common misconception for this kitchen knife and can actually put some people off buying one or including one in knife sets, as they’ll think that they won’t use it very often.

But the opposite is true. You see, the boning knife is a very versatile kitchen knife. It is extremely sharp and as well as removing meat from the bone, it can also be used to remove skin. This would typically be something that you’d use filleting knives for but your boning knife will perform just as well in this situation.

Some people will even go as far as to forgo their paring knife and use their boning knife for cutting their fruits and vegetables thanks to the thin, straight and sharp blade that makes this a cinch. The boning knife is also extremely useful for delicate work. Moreover, if you’re into baking, your boning knife can make a wonderful cookie cutter thanks to that super sharp, pointy tip. Who knew?

Tips On How to Use a Boning Knife

Using any type of knife should be done safely so one of the first things you will need to think about is how you’re going to hold your boning knife. Fortunately, as we mentioned, boning knives have a finger guard (sometimes called a bolster) which prevents the hand from slipping during use.

When using a boning knife, you will need a good grip, and hold the knife with your middle finger, ring finger and thumb wrapped around the handle and with the index finger on the top of the blade. Holding the knife in with this comfortable grip allows you both stability and control.

Removing Meat From the Bone

Learning to use your boning knife requires you to understand the skill behind taking meat off the bone. Of course, you aren’t going to need a degree from a high-quality cooking institute but you will need to master the basics. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how best to tackle this kitchen task.
  1. Start by choosing a cutting board that is large enough to give you room to work and place your meat down in the centre of the surface.
  2. Locate the bone within the meat. Sometimes it is blindingly obvious whereas other times you may find that you have to remove some fat in order to see it clearly.
  3. Use your non-dominant hand to hold the meat in place, keeping it well away from the bone.
  4. Mam Tipp vun der Bonning Messer ze benotzen, laanscht d'Längt vum Knach ofschneiden; Dëst wäert de Knach aus dem Rescht vum Fleesch ausschalten.
  5. Elo musst Dir e Längt vum Knach mat enger gesinner Bewegung schneiden, fir et aus der Fleesch ze läschen. Wann Dir fannt datt Dir kämpft, probéiert d'Blade ënner dem Knach an engem Wénkel ze rutschen.
  6. D'Fleesch stabile mat Ärer net-dominanter Hand ze halen, musst Dir elo d'Fleesch ewechzehuelen vun de Schanken mat dem Tipp vun Ärem Messer.
  7. Dir sollt elo einfach de Knach aus dem Fleesch ewechhuelen kënnenet Voila, Dir hutt e schéine Schnëtt prett fir Virbereedung a Kachen.

Haut ewechhuelen aus Fillets

E boning Messer gëtt dacks am Plaz vun engem filletéiert Messer benotzt fir Fëschfësch ze läschen an d'Fësch Haut ze läschen. Wann Dir keen Zougang zu engem filletéierte Messer hutt, ass dëst eng grouss Alternativ an hei ass wat Dir maache musst.
  1. Setzt d'Fësch op Ärem Schneiden Board op senger Säit.
  2. Halt d'Fësch sécher op der Plaz mat Ärer net-dominanten Hand.
  3. Mat dem Tipp vun Ärem boning Messer, Dir musst eng kleng Inzision tëscht Fleesch an d'Haut mam schaarfen Tipp vum Blade maachen, probéiert sou no wéi no bei der Haut ze bleiwen.
  4. Huelt d'Fleesch an mam Messer an der Inzision, maacht kleng Saws Schnëtt.
  5. Et ass wichteg Är Zäit mat dësem ze huelen fir de Schied un d'Fleesch ze schneiden sou lues a suergfälteg ze schneiden.

Final Gedanken

Trotz sengem Numm, de Bonning Messer kann vill méi wéi d'Schiermunge maachen. Et ass e Liiblingsënnerkommen zu Lëtzebuerg souwéi de Professiv Key, well et ass onheemlech eeler Verse an engem méi Fleesch ofzësendwaart, extrem grappe Bann. Wéi och ëmmer, wann Dir am Mëttelpunkt méi eraus kritt da musst Dir et sinn, wéi Dir vertraut hutt, wéi Dir et benotzt gëtt.

Dëse Quick Start Guide seet Iech alles wat Dir musst wëssen fir e Boning Messer sécher an effektiv ze benotzen.
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